Sunday, June 27, 2010


Here are some Animorph designs I did a few weeks ago for school!

I know it's lame for your favorite character to be the main one, but Jake was just my favorite! I think my battle morph would be a huge bull, or maybe a rhino!

What would YOUR battle morph be?


Saturday, June 12, 2010

V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy!

My first blog post!
In an attempt to be professional after graduating college (only 2 weeks ago!), I've started this blog! I'm going to keep everyone updated on what I'm working on. Also, I wanna see what everyone else is doing!
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy is a comic about a small alien who works for Comet Deliveries. He very recently got a new type of truck that is able to break down a wide variety of objects and use them as fuel!
These are a few tight roughs for the first few pages!
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Cover Rough
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 1
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 2
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 3
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 4
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 5
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 6
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 7
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 8
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 9
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy Page 10

Little V'Ger is going to end up visiting all of the planets in our solar system in search for his kidnapped sister!
V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy cast!
From left to right, we have: V'Ger, Sissy Saavik, Gamma Granny and triKing Pluto! Obviously I love the first Star Trek movie a lot, but Wrath of Khan is so good too.
Sorry this post is bigger than Spock's patience and knowledge, I'm just very excited! Following posts will be much shorter!
Stay tuned!