Here are some Animorph designs I did a few weeks ago for school!
I know it's lame for your favorite character to be the main one, but Jake was just my favorite! I think my battle morph would be a huge bull, or maybe a rhino!
My first blog post! In an attempt to be professional after graduating college (only 2 weeks ago!), I've started this blog! I'm going to keep everyone updated on what I'm working on. Also, I wanna see what everyone else is doing! V'GER: Intergalactic Delivery Boy is a comic about a small alien who works for Comet Deliveries. He very recently got a new type of truck that is able to break down a wide variety of objects and use them as fuel! These are a few tight roughs for the first few pages!
Little V'Ger is going to end up visiting all of the planets in our solar system in search for his kidnapped sister! From left to right, we have: V'Ger, Sissy Saavik, Gamma Granny and triKing Pluto! Obviously I love the first Star Trek movie a lot, but Wrath of Khan is so good too. Sorry this post is bigger than Spock's patience and knowledge, I'm just very excited! Following posts will be much shorter! Stay tuned!