Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Princess Merrilynn and her Enthusiastic Suitors!

Here are the black and white pages of my Senior project! It's about a princess who is unaware that she has some young men in her life that love her!

Stay tuned, because I think I might have some very exciting new pages to show everyone! I'm very excited about my next project, because it's nothing like anything I've done before. Thumbnailing it is beyond fun, and it is ACTION PACKED :o)
Merrilynn pg.1
Merrilynn pg.2
Merrilynn pg.3
Merrilynn pg.4
Merrilynn pg.5
Merrilynn pg.6
Merrilynn pg.7
Merrilynn pg.8
Merrilynn pg.9
Merrilyn pg.10
Merrilynn pg.11
Merrilynn pg.12


  1. You are my hero. I want to have as much fun doing comics and you have here. Great work.

  2. This looks amazing! Keep up the great work! XD

  3. Hey Coleman! It's Laura. Jessica has a blogspot too if you want to add her, her s/n is DrowningInRice

  4. Im Brom's enthusiastic suitor.

    This turned out SOOO good.
    love love love it! Also, love Terrowin's hair, but I'd urge others to keep their distance cause bitch will probably cast a spell on you.

    Can't wait to see that 'secret project'!

  5. every panel is gorgeous! can i buy it? how can i buy it? let me buy it.

    I'd like to see this stuff bigger and i can't wait for your secret project, ACTION PACKED SOUNDS SICK

  6. Sweet, you got a blogspot! Now I can finally comment on how awesome your comics are.

